Research Development & Innovation

RDUK is here to research, engage and collaborate with academics, entrepreneurs and local communities, we gather data for ourselves and others from inshore waters to better understand the effect of increasing human leisure and commercial activities. RDUK contributes to resaerch and the development of scalable and sustainable new products and services.

Bioacoustic Monitoring Projects

Joe Trelissick2
Joe Dennett
Research Development Officer at RDUK Limited & Chelonia Limited
Master of Science (MSc)
Project Planning, Team Management, Operations Management,
Strategic Issues in technical design.
Masters projects:  Supply Chain Value in areas of fast developing technology
                               Supply Chain Management – Technology Contract negotiations

Day Skipper + Commercial Endorsement Certification Jan 2018 
Coastal Skipper / Yacht Master Offshore Shorebased course – 23/04/2018
Intermediate Powerboat Certificate 17/06/2018
BSAC Dive leader September 2001
Meg Hayward Smith

Meg Hayward Smith
Marine Scientist at Research Development UK. Founder of Falmouth Marine Conservation

BSc (Hons) Marine Biology from University of Exeter.

Researching and testing Marine Acoustics. Skipper on ‘Molly Oxford’ a traditional 28ft Heard Gaff Cutter used for testing equipment at sea. Meg has knowledge of marine ecological processes and marine species and is skilled in communications, team management, event coordination and public speaking.

Day Skipper & RYA Senior Sailing Instructor, Seiche MMO and PAMguard Operator

Marine Deposits and Recoveries

Molly Haven2

Molly Oxford

Our Heard 28 gaff cutter based at Falmouth. She has five berths in two cabins, heads & a galley.


Coding disk1

Odie is our beach scout.
