Bio Acoustic Introduction Training

Research Development UK offers free training sessions introducing the F-POD.exe app to groups interested in participating in the CATT project.As with all data gathering projects, the dataset is wasted if no one uses it or learns from it so this is an important part of our work on CATT.

The Chelonia F-POD software is a powerful tool and a useful skillset for anyone interested in Marine Bioacoustics.

Penryn Training11

We are happy to offer training sessions to small groups of three or four people.

We have worked with up to fourty five people, if we have a space suitable to work with large numbers.

Please message me through the contact page

MBMG Training1

If you are in West Cornwall, you can visit us at the Chelonia Limited HQ at The Barkhouse in Mousehole where we have space for around 15 people at a time.

FMC Training1

We build on the introduction with follow up training sessions or return to deliver the same training session to different groups.We work with school age volunteers and Post Graduate specialists. Our session looks at how to use the software, at all levels no one is excluded, this is a Citizen Science approach to long term trend tracking by analysing F-POD data, not a course in scientific techniques. All are welcome.

User Guide Image1

If you have used F-PODs before, or it’s predecesor, the C-POD, we can look at the new features being added to the toolset by Chelonia Developers.